I have a Azure device provisioning service setup entitled "myDPS" and below IoT hubs are linked.
- IoTHub-Dev-Asia
- IoTHub-Prod-Europe
Currently there are no enrollment list. The below c# code I am using to enroll the device
private const string RegistrationId = "TestRegID";
private const string OptionalDeviceId = "Device1";
private const ProvisioningStatus OptionalProvisioningStatus = ProvisioningStatus.Enabled;
private const string SampleTpmEndorsementKey = "***"// Key generated using TPM Simulator
static async Task SetRegistrationDataAsync()
Console.WriteLine("Starting SetRegistrationData");
Attestation attestation = new TpmAttestation(SampleTpmEndorsementKey);
IndividualEnrollment individualEnrollment = new
IndividualEnrollment(RegistrationId, attestation);
individualEnrollment.DeviceId = OptionalDeviceId;
individualEnrollment.ProvisioningStatus = OptionalProvisioningStatus;
Console.WriteLine("\nAdding new individualEnrollment...");
var serviceClient = ProvisioningServiceClient.CreateFromConnectionString(ServiceConnectionString);
IndividualEnrollment individualEnrollmentResult =
await serviceClient.CreateOrUpdateIndividualEnrollmentAsync(individualEnrollment).ConfigureAwait(false);
Console.WriteLine("\nIndividualEnrollment created with success.");
The above code successfully enrolls the device to the DPS but status shows as unassigned
Issue#1 - Enrollment status unassigned, sometimes shows FAILED Status: failed Error code: 404201
Issue#2 Once above issue resolved, then I would like to have some configuration where I can specify which device should map to which IoT, so that device can automatically decide it's target IoT hubs.
I assume Static configuration via the enrollment list can help but not sure how to use it?
The three supported allocation policies determine how devices are assigned to an IoT hub:
If you need to assign the device ,you should use a single call to the
API. You can refer to the sample.In the sample, you need to replace the RegistrationId with that your created before.