I would like to Extend d3 tree layout to provide hyperlinks and text for each final node
For example if you go to
flare> analytics > ckuster > AgglomerativeClustr
I would like under the text AgglomerativeCluster I would like to have a textbox with the ability to have custom HTML.
How would I do this?
There are several ways to achieve what you want, but I believe the solution below is both simple and efficient.
I'll start with an example that is similar to yours, and also does not have any hyperlinks:
link to jsfiddle - starting point,
and will walk you through all necessary but simple modifications.
First, let's add field "url" for nodes that we want to have labels as hyperlinks:
Now, let's write code that selects all labels whose node data contain anything in field "url", and for each such label adds appropriate clock handler that will open correspondent url: (it also sets different cursor pointer for mouseovers so that user knows the label is actually a hyperlink)
That's it!
link to jsfiddle - finished example
NOTE: by the time I finished this, my good buddy @VividD had already supplied an answer. But because the OP expressed a desire for custom HTML, this may still be relevant.
Basically one wants to mix HTML with SVG in one form or another, a common request. However, chances are you will not find a ready-made implementation of this since it takes time and has a fair amount of layout considerations to make it work (see the setting of x,y attributes in the fiddle I linked below - hardcoded for simplicity). Having said that, here is my attempt at helping you.
The most common solution is the use of an SVG:foreignObject. But be aware that IE does not support it. Here is a gist by the great Mike that showcases a very simple example. I took the liberty to extend it and create a FIDDLE with a slightly more elaborate example, a form with a textarea. I believe this should be enough to generate some ideas and get you going.
You might want to consider generating a fiddle of your own (based on this one) if you don't solve your issue completely.