I am on mac using latest version of mac OS (Mavericks.) I downloaded ejabberd 13.12
for mac, installed it, and started it through terminal. Now i can open it in browser (i am using mozilla firefox 26 and latest safari). and went to admin console.
Everything seems fine, i can log in with my user name and password (which i provided during jabber installation). Now i went to access control lists, and try to add additonal users. Problem is i can't.
In mozilla i get error message, that connection with server was reset, and on safari i get blank page. After I refresh new users are not there. Here is the screen i am talking about:
What am I missing here?
This is the error message i get:
2014-02-05 16:29:39.204 [error] <0.428.0> CRASH REPORT Process <0.428.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: no case clause matching
[{acl,normalize_spec,1,[{file,"src/acl.erl"},{line,222}]},{acl,'-add_list_local/3-fun- 1-',2,[{file,"src/acl.erl"},{line,157}]},{lists,foreach,2,[{file,"lists.erl"},{line,1323}]},
{mnesia_tm,execute_transaction,5,[{file,"mnesia_tm.erl"},{line,812}]},{rpc,'-handle_call_call/6-fun-0-',5,[{file,"rpc.erl"},{line,205}]}]}}} in ejabberd_web_admin:process_admin/2 line 700
As jokker mentioned, you are in ACL menu, not in register menu.
To fix error you posted in ACL menu, source code should be patched.
It seems that other
function should be fixed.For more information see github.
Also I may be going out on a limb here, but are you trying to add users to the server or users to the ACLs?
If you are just trying to add users, do this from your
Virtual Hosts -> (Host) -> Users
area.If you are in fact trying to add ACLs you could try adding them in the