I have this array with some UIColors:
let colors = [
35302: UIColor(red: 66/255, green: 55/255, blue: 101/255, alpha: 1),
53350: UIColor(red: 158/255, green: 218/255, blue: 222/255, alpha: 1),
54747: UIColor(red: 158/255, green: 222/255, blue: 189/255, alpha: 1)
Now, I'm trying to access some index in Array:
func locationManager(manager: CLLocationManager!, didRangeBeacons beacons: [AnyObject]!, inRegion region: CLBeaconRegion!) {
let knownBeacons = beacons.filter{ $0.proximity != CLProximity.Unknown }
if(knownBeacons.count > 0) {
let closestBeacon = knownBeacons[0] as! CLBeacon
self.view.backgroundColor = self.colors[closestBeacon.minor]
The line:
self.view.backgroundColor = self.colors[closestBeacon.minor]
I'm getting this error:
Cannot subscript a value of type '[Int: UIColor]' with an index of type 'NSNumber'
I'm trying to make a HelloWorld with my new Beacons and I'm stuck in this part. I would like to understand how this really work.
You use
but array requiresInt
as index. Choose one of the following:You could also check this question Swift convert object that is NSNumber to Double
By the looks of things, closestBeacon.minor is an NSNumber, while colors are indexed by Int.
You could use closestBeacon.minor.integerValue