I have an SVG symbol, basically three paths with an all black stroke. This symbol is used heavily across my SVG document using the use tag.
Sometimes i just want to change only one stroke of the instances of the symbol, like color variations, How can i achieve this using SVG+CSS, knowing that I used 'use' to create the symbol instances.
It is possible. You can't style the dereferenced symbol contents directly with CSS. But you can style the parent
element and have that colour inherit into the symbol. See the answers to the following question for examples.How to style one particular SVG path in CSS?
According to the SVG 1.1 spec on the use element:
That implies that the referenced elements children are not accessible by traversing your DOM tree. This also holds true for access via css selectors as the spec goes on:
This actually is a very neat trick http://codepen.io/FWeinb/blog/quick-tip-svg-use-style-two-colors, Fabrice Weinberg here is using fill="currentColor" on the symbol so he can change it later using css.