I'm using my OrganizationServiceContext implementation generated by the svcutil to retrieve entities from CRM:
context.new_productSet.First(p => p.new_name == "Product 1");
Is it possible to retrieve multiple entities with different attribute values at once - (smth like IN operator in SQL)?
Example: I would like to retrieve multiple products ("Product 1", "Product 2", ...) with a single call. The list of product names is dynamic, stored in an array called productNames.
I do not know how to do this with Linq, as far as I know it is not possible.
It can be done with Query Expressions:
When using QueryExpression, we can add condtionexpression for where clause. ConditionExpression takes a ConditionOperator enumerator, and we can use ConditionOperator.In. Below is how you initiate a conidtionExpression with an “In” operator, the third argument can be an array or collection.
Please see below for further explanation.
No, you can't. CRM LINQ provider only allows variables to appear on the left side of expressions, while the right side must contain constants.
Is not supported and won't work (it will complain about using a variable on the right side of the comparison).
If you cannot avoid this kind of query, you have to
data first (this can lead to a huge result set and will probably turn up to be unconceivably slow):This will work, because now the
is being applied on aList<>
instead.Another approach (I don't have data about performance, though) would be to create many queries, basically fetching the records one at a time:
Or use a
like this (my personal favourite, because I always go late-bound)