I'm doing a cart and I want to increment the qty if the item_id exising in localStorage.
<button data-item_id="1" data-item_name="cake" data-item_price="2 dollar">Add to cart</button>
Not sure why my below code doesn't work, it added a new object instead of increment the qty value.
var item_id = $(this).attr('data-item_id');
var item_name = $(this).attr('data-item_name');
var item_price = $(this).attr('data-item_price');
var arr = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('cart')) || [];
var obj = {};
if(arr.length === 0){ // first time insert
obj.item_id = item_id;
obj.item_name = item_name;
obj.item_price = item_price;
obj.item_qty = 1;
//doesn't work here
obj.item_qty[i] = parseInt(this.qty) + 1;
debug for few hours couldn't solved.
Then you have to do like this:
Use {} instead of [] making the
contain one object per item_id and each object will get 1 added to the qty each time it is called. There is no remove in this code