I am using Mocha as a testing framework for my node.js application.
I have an existing module that uses async-waterfall node module.I am trying to write a unit test case for it. I am unable to write a test case for the second function in the array. Any tips on how would I pass the result of one function to the next function in the array
var async = require('async');
module.exports.resetPassword = function(req,res,next){
var token = do something;
//do some stuff
//send failure response
I think I understand the issue now. In your test - you execute the line:
And immediately after that - the line:
The issue is - that async.waterfall will start the first method, but before it runs the second one, it will run the next line from the unit test, and therefore you don`t see the next method. Code that will solve it will be like:
Does it look better?
My code is as follows. My issue is around writing a unit test case for this method. I am using mocha along with sinon for stubbing. The unit test that I have written is
Unit Test
The resetPassword module