I'm using Django 1.6 + MySQL. My model has a custom_user class that extends AbstractUser.
class CustomUser(AbstractUser):
dob = models.DateField()
class Meta:
db_table = 'custom_user'
I want to delete the database with ./manage.py sqlclear | ./manage.py dbshell
(as mentioned here)
The output of sqlclear is
DROP TABLE `design`;
DROP TABLE `company`;
ALTER TABLE `custom_user_user_permissions` DROP FOREIGN KEY `customuser_id_refs_id_da27cb33`;
ALTER TABLE `custom_user_groups` DROP FOREIGN KEY `customuser_id_refs_id_d24c897a`;
DROP TABLE `custom_user`;
DROP TABLE `custom_user_user_permissions`;
DROP TABLE `custom_user_groups`;
DROP TABLE `book`;
DROP TABLE `author`;
This fails with error :
ERROR 1217 (23000) at line 6: Cannot delete or update a parent row: a foreign key constraint fails
The first 2 tables (design & company) get deleted. If I run the command again, I get
ERROR 1091 (42000) at line 2: Can't DROP 'customuser_id_refs_id_da27cb33'; check that column/key exists
Sounds like error 1 happened when you tried to drop custom_user table which some other table has a dependency on. Error 2 happens because it's trying to drop foreign keys that already got dropped.
ERROR 1217 can be caused by three things in my Django MySQL experience:
1.The table you're trying to manipulate(drop) has a foreign key ref to it in another table.
Try: Trace all ForeignKey references to your 'custom_user' table, one of your tables might have a dependency on it so you'll need to find and drop that table first to resolve Error 1217.
So the one to many relations would be: customer->orders->shipment
so if you tried:
this would work (in this order because of the backward dependencies):
2.The MySQL database engines for your tables aren't the same. Try changing them to all be the same thing. To check, run: mysql>select TABLE_NAME,ENGINE from information_schema.TABLES;
If the results of that query show your model tables having different engines(INNODB/MYISAM) change the different model tables to be the same by running this statement in your mysql prompt.
3.Try turning off the foreign key check in your settings.py file. Add this code in your data base dictionary.