Upload failed:
Your APK cannot be analyzed using 'aapt dump badging'. Error output:
to run aapt dump badging:
W/ResourceType(12713): Bad XML block: header size 28024 or total size 1702240364 is larger than data size 3783
ERROR: AndroidManifest.xml is corrupt
This is the error I am getting when I attempt to upload an APK onto Google Play and am completely unsure of what to do. I have looked at other posts but am unable to fix my problem. Any help is appreciated!!
-- Moksh
Is your apk run on emulator or device..? Clean and build your project again. Sign it with your very own keystore and then try to upload it.
Make sure following points are need to be taken care of while uploading file on android market
attribute fromAndroidManifest.xml
is proper."android:versionName"
attribute fromAndroidManifest.xml
is proper.