In my other thread, I have asked how to extract only the last 3 months. However, I managed to extract data from the last 3 months only from one table and it extracted all data for other tables. I have several tables in my schema and the column names for the timestamp are different.
In my par file I have the following QUERY but it did not work. I got ORA-00911 error message. I would like to know if the syntax of the below query is correct/possible .
QUERY=TABLE1,TABLE2:"where TABLE1_STARTTIME >= TO_DATE('01-AUG-2015','dd-mon-yyyy') and TABLE2_STARTIME >= TO_DATE('01-AUG-2015','dd-mon-yyyy');"
Remove the semi-colon in the QUERY parameter.:
On a side note:
Not directly related to your issue. But remember TO_DATE is NLS dependent. You should specify the NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE, else your query might fail for a different nls_date_language.
For example,
I would prefer using ANSI Date literal, when you do not have any time portion. It is NLS independent. It uses a fixed format YYYY-MM-DD.
For example,