My J2EE application is deployed in cluster and servers can be in multiple timezones. For example one server is in EST and another server in CST.
Consider a scenario where request goes to server in EST and store the date and time in database (without timezone). There is another request to retrieve the same date. But that request may go to another server in CST.
Is there any way to determine which time zone date is stored in database?
PS: I am using Oracle/Java/Hibernate.
When you use data type
then you don't have any information about the time zone - unless your application ensures always a certain time zone (e.g. UTC) when data are inserted or updated.Andreas statement is not fully correct, in Oracle database you have three time zones:
The database time zone
You can interrogate it with
. It is relevant only forTIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE
data type columns and defines the storage format. Thus you cannot changeDBTIMEZONE
on your database if the database contains a table with aTIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE
column and the column contains data. Note, this is NOT the timezone ofSYSDATE
The time zone of database server operating system
This time zone is relevant for result of
.The time zone of your session
You can interrogate it with
. It might be determined by your Web Application server or by your Client Browser time zone. (I am not an expert for web technologies) In case of a fat client it can be set in your Registry or environment variableORA_SDTZ
. I don't know which one has precedence and which value you get when either of them are not defined, it may vary also on your Database-Provider and drivers. SESSIONTIMEZONE can be changed at any time by user withALTER SESSION SET TIME_ZONE=...
Date type
stores times with time zone information. You can convert them to client local time zone or populate as inserted or anything else, depending on your requirements. You get the time zone value with EXTRACT function or when you convert to string, e.g.TO_CHAR(TS_VALUE, TZH:TZM)
.Date type
also stores times with time zone information. However, it always displays the time in current session time zone of the client, you cannot convert it to any other time zone (unless to do a CAST beforehand). Thus, when you try to doTO_CHAR(TS_VALUE, 'hh24:mi:ss TZH:TZM')
value, you get an error!No. If you store the
without a time zone, there is no way to query the time zone.You, as the developer, needs to decide how time zones are handled. Remember you have 3 time zones:
If a user in Los Angeles enters a time, what should a user in Paris see?
If a user in Sydney performs an action, what action timestamp should a user in Toronto see?
Until you can answer those questions, i.e. define your requirements, a solution/implementation is impossible to code/verify.
As mentioned in a comment, there are basically two ways to handle time zones: