I have an app which is showing properties of iBeacons which brand of Estimote and Kontakt
I have a problem with Kontakt
iBeacons. The problem is ; some properties
of Kontakt iBeacons are returning nil
which properties are firmware
and managerUUID
. I had a same problem with Estimote but I solved with used connect method in Estimote delegate.
How can I connect
Kontakt iBeacon? There isn't enough documentation on the Internet. I couldn't find anything. If I connect it, I think, It will show all properties. Anybody can help me ?
Thank you Halil.
First thing first, there is enough documentation on the internet, on our site you have full documentation of SDK - http://docs.kontakt.io/ios-sdk/appledocs. KTKClient is the class for getting beacons properties from Kontakt's cloud.
There are 2 main methods for getting beacons(main) properties:
– deviceByUniqueID:withError: - returns one KTKBeacon object if proper uniqueId was provided
– devicesByType:withError: - returns array of all manager's beacons(KTKBeacon objects if type was KTKDeviceTypeBeacon). Thanks to them you will get info about managerUUID.
To get password you should use:
– devicePassword:andMasterPassword:byUniqueId:withError:
To get current firmware version you should connect to beacon and read it from its characteristic. Check class KTKCharacteristcDescriptor.h and characteristic kKTKCharacteristicDescriptorTypeFirmwareRevision.
I hope this answer clarified how to get those properties.