I'm trying to flip the viewcontroller inside navigationcontroller but with little success so far, I tried thousands of solutions but none suited. I want to flip the controller like this:
Press button to go on the map: http://i39.tinypic.com/fabul3.jpg
Press same button to go back with change image: http://i40.tinypic.com/2qa1y0h.jpg
I need to mantain the coerence with storyboard for segue. Do you have any idea or example of how to do this?
Rather than flipping the view controller, you may find it easier to transition the view itself. There's a standard way to flip views, which is covered in this question:
How to implement flip transition effect for UIView
Alternatively, you could always try and transition the view controller itself through a custom segue, but I suspect it will be much easier to handle the flip at a UIView level.
You can create a new UIViewController which contains a container view in the Storyboard, and assign the train network map view controller to the container view.
Then in the code you can instantiate the map view controller from the storyboard:
Read up more on container view to understand on the following lines, assuming networkMapViewController is the initial view controller that you want to flip into mapViewController:
Then you can make use of view controller method transitionFromViewController:toViewController:duration:options:animations:completion:
You will need to code similar lines for change back from map view controller to networkMapViewController.