Attempting my hand at some PowerShell scripting. I would like to remove Voice Messages from Inbox's after a certain period of time. The code gets all mailboxes within an organization and pipes them to a Search-Mailbox. Then I need to query the mailboxes using the -searchquery
option. It does not seem to like how I am placing the Date variable into the query.
$Date = (Get-Date).AddDays(-19)
$Test = $Date.toString("MM/dd/yyyy")
$SB = [scriptblock]::create("Sent: $Test AND Attachment:`"VoiceMessage.wav`"")
Get-Mailbox | Search-Mailbox -TargetMailbox "Example" -TargetFolder "Searching" -SearchQuery $SB -LogOnly -LogLevel Full
Edit 1: PowerShell is stating the following when the script is executed:
Search-Mailbox : The input object cannot be bound to any parameters for the command either because the command does not take pipeline input or the input and its properties do not match any of the parameters that take pipeline input. At line:3 Char:25
Edit Two: Adjusted the Code in my question to the code that works. Thanks for all the help everyone!
syntax is a little off according to the Message Properties and Search Operators for In-Place eDiscovery(a fairly small subset of Message Properties Indexed by Exchange Search).Reducing the quotes that aren't absolutely required will help avoid needing to escape them. It also supports other operators for comparing things like dates. Try this for the
:One thing to note on my own tenant
wouldn't search the attachments at all, despite Attachment being a "supported" key word forNew-MailboxSearch
. I had to resort to finding words in the body to get desired reults. I did wait a few hours to see if it might be slow indexing, but nothing changed. Perhaps you will have better luck.On another note this page mentions:
That is NOT an absolute requirement. Without turning that off, users may be able to recover the voicemail. Probably not a big deal for your situation.