I'm using a table on my report to present the data. Since it was a lot of data and I wanted to print the report on a A4 page, I split each row into 3 different rows.
My problem is when the report goes to the second page, I want it to break before or after the 3 rows.
name age
name age
name age
* page break *
this is what normally happens. I want to ensure that the page break only happens on the lines.
There are multiple strategies to follow:
Hope this helps
I'm ended up creating a subreport to represent each item.
I looked for the KeepTogether property but that's probably only for reporting services 2008 (I'm using 2005).
I had the same problem, tried 'Keep together' and it didn't work. After a long time of changing and trying many things the one thing that did the job was reducing the bottom margin of a page.
If you have the table in a subreport, you must also Right Click -> Format Object ->
Keep object together.This was the step that did it for me after I unchecked Keep object together on the table and the subreport details.