I am trying to run a report from a website out of Internet Explorer 11 using VBA. In the past I have used the Microsoft Internet Controls reference library, which gave me access to DOM members (getElementsByID, etc). In order to use those, I believe I need the shdocvw.dll, but when I select the Microsoft Internet Controls reference library, it is referencing the ieframe.dll.
Has anyone run into this? How can I create a reference to the shdocvw.dll?
I have tried going to "Browse" and select the shdocvw.dll to open. When I select open, nothing happens. Is there a different reference library that gives me access to DOM objects?
XP Service pack 3 changes the file association for .URL. With service pack 2 installed .URL are associated with rundll32.exe shdocvw.dll,OpenURL %l, with service pack 3 shdocvw.dll is replaced with ieframe.dll