I am loading my user control like below.How I can achive that from client side.
same code but client side request what I need
private void LoadUserControlTab(string num, string title = "")
Ext.Net.Panel pn = new Ext.Net.Panel();
pn.Title = title;
pn.ID = num;
string pnid = num;
pn.Closable = true;
pn.Flex = 1;
pn.Height = 500;
currentUC = (UserControl)this.LoadControl(string.Format("Controls/UserControl{0}.ascx", num));
currentUC.ID = "UC" + num;
// this.Panel1.ContentControls.Add(currentUC);
// this.anaTabPnl.ContentControls.Add(currentUC);
here is the client side I used to when I loading external page
<ext:XScript ID="XScript1" runat="server">
var addTab = function (tabPanel, id, url, menuItem,mytitle) {
var tab = tabPanel.getComponent(id);
if (!tab) {
tab = tabPanel.add({
id : id,
title : mytitle,
closable : true,
menuItem : menuItem,
loader : {
url : url,
renderer : "frame",
loadMask : {
showMask : true,
msg : "Yükleniyor"
tab.on("activate", function (tab) {
only should I point url to ,ascx ??
here is the ashx implementation;
and client side
Create a webservice and exposed a webmethod
After that call this web service method from javascript(jquery) as below
For ExtJs, you can use below code.
Here is ashx implementation.
Here is the extjs code.