I have been searching for a way to have curly brackets{}
and slashes /
in the URL. But the URL looks like this:
URL appearance now:
URL wanted appearance:
How do I get an URL without the %2f etc?
Thanks in advance!
These (%2F, %7B) are escape sequences. They represent the special characters that are in your URL, as a URL cannot contain these character directly.
Where do you want exactly to process this URL?
You can use Javascript's
to get the escaped URL string back to the original one if you're going to process it in Javascript itself.All valid characters that can be used in a URI (a URL is a type of URI) are defined in RFC 3986.
All other characters can be used in a URL provided that they are "URL Encoded" first. This involves changing the invalid character for specific "codes" (usually in the form of the percent symbol (%) followed by a hexadecimal number).
This link, HTML URL Encoding Reference, contains a list of the encodings for invalid characters.
Happy Helping!