Can I have a example of how to use the box-api V2 for getting the shared item details using shared link api.
For example, if the folder is shared for public
1. Do I need use authorization in calling the API get the folder details ?
Can I have a example of how to use the box-api V2 for getting the shared item details using shared link api.
For example, if the folder is shared for public
1. Do I need use authorization in calling the API get the folder details ?
You'll want to check out the documentation for generating shared links ( and getting information about files and folders.
If you have access to the file, you can 'Get Information About a File' to determine if the shared link is enabled or not. It will be Null if no, provide a web URL or download URL if it's enabled, as well as if it's a 'Open,' 'Company,' or 'Collaborators Only' link.
If you don't own or have access to the file but do have a shared link to it, though, you might also want to check out this documentation.