guys i have a huge problem here. i have a project that uses gcm but the import can't be resolved. I've tried all other suggestion on this site and others but nothing seems to work. please help I've downloaded the library copied the jar into my /libs folder and added it to build path
but i still got an error on the import
what can be the problem?
first delete google play services from eclipse and clean project
For google play services first install Google play Services
SDK Manager -> Extras -> Google play Services
after installing go to
File->import->your SDK folder path ->extras->extras/google/google_play_services/libproject/google-play-services_lib
Make sure gcm.jar is exist on your adt
The key point is that you must reference the library—simply adding a .jar file to your Eclipse project will not work. You must follow the directions for referencing a library, or your app won't be able to access the library's resources, and it won't run properly. If you're using Android Studio, this is the string to add to the dependency section of your application's build.gradle file:
Add GCM.jar in your project from Properties.