I'm trying to access an uploaded image which i've saved on my server (in the uploads folder) using the anchor tag. The aim is the provide like a zoom feature. The zoom works fine but the image doesn't display.
i tried something like this
//$txt is the actual image name and $image is the name saved in uploads folder,$ext is the extension like .jpg or so.
$image = time().substr(str_replace(" ", "_", $txt), 5).".".$ext;
in the HTML
//image isn't displayed using
<a href = "<?php echo "uploads/$image" ?>"></a>
but displays if i use
<a href = "uploads/image.jpg"></a>.
is there a way i can access the images with php code in the tag?
you are not closing the
tag. do it likeYou're missing a semi-colon and the $variable is enclosed in single quotes and is therefore not expanded.