I have an Excel page which consists of daily cash collections from different persons. My collection details are like below, in Excel:
Date Name Amount
1/4/2014 Name1 500
5/4/2014 Name2 1000
10/4/2014 Name1 700
5/5/2014 Name2 300
12/5/2014 Name1 800
2/6/2014 Name1 200
1/6/2014 Name2 400
I need to display monthly total income from each person like so:
Name Apr-14 May-14 Jun-14
Name1 1200 800 200
Name2 1000 300 400
I used this formula to find total income from each person:
=SUMIF(B2:B8, A14, C2:C8)
but how to include the month-wise total?
PivotTables can be 'Grouped by':