As per the instructions given in link:
I downloaded the JAR for MySQL and placed it in the lib directory of JMeter Home folder. I also added the jar to the classpath in the JMeter GUI as well. However, I dont get the 'JDBC Connection Configuration' option under Add->Config Element sub menu. Should I do something else to get it?
If JDBC Configuration does not appear then you have a configuration issue in JMeter.
I suppose you are using a 3rd party plugin which is breaking JMeter.
Can you remove it or freshly install a new JMeter from website ?
What jars did you add ?
What OS you're running and how did you install JMeter?
Sometimes packaging sucks, for instance crazy Ubuntu maintainers think that default JMeter should be shipped only with HTTP protocol support and if you need Mail, LDAP, etc. you need to install the relevant packages separately.
I would recommend the following:
variables to include /bin folder of the JRE/JDKmysql-connector-java-x.x.xx-bin.jar
to /lib folder of your JMeter installation.If anything goes wrong update your question with at least jmeter.log file and leave a corresponding comment so we could take a look.