I use six parameters (as active, inactive, wired, compressed, free and total). I make a class of CAShapeLayer
and I made one function in there with help I can draw circle just add parameters. I make CGPath
and add it six once in function which draw a circle. I get the 5 layers to UIView
. I make timer which update data in one second but it add else 5 layer to UIView
. It is wrong way. I want to animate arcs with data and update in one second. when layers become too much device is working slowly. How can I make it?
I wrote here my example.
public class Arc {
public init() { }
public func addFigure(path: CGPath, fillColor: UIColor, strokeColor: UIColor, strokeStart: CGFloat, strokeEnd: CGFloat, lineWidth: CGFloat, miterLimit: CGFloat, lineDashPhase: CGFloat, layer: CALayer) -> CAShapeLayer {
let shape = CAShapeLayer()
shape.path = path
shape.fillColor = fillColor.CGColor
shape.strokeColor = strokeColor.CGColor
shape.strokeStart = strokeStart
shape.strokeEnd = strokeEnd
shape.lineWidth = lineWidth
shape.miterLimit = miterLimit
shape.lineDashPhase = lineDashPhase
return shape
UIView which is drawing circle
import UIKit
import DrawKit
class MemoryMainView: UIView {
required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: aDecoder)
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
// MARK: - var and let
let arc = Arc()
let notificationCenter = NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter()
var boolForMemoryArc = false
// for ARC
var memoryArcRadius: CGFloat!
var lineWidht: CGFloat!
var path: UIBezierPath!
var checkDevice = false
// MARK: - colors
@IBInspectable var blackColor: UIColor = .blackColor()
@IBInspectable var redColor: UIColor = .redColor()
@IBInspectable var cyanColor: UIColor = .cyanColor()
@IBInspectable var blueColor: UIColor = .blueColor()
@IBInspectable var grapeColor: UIColor!
@IBInspectable var greenColor: UIColor = .greenColor()
override func drawRect(rect: CGRect) {
if boolForMemoryArc == false {
boolForMemoryArc = true
notificationCenter.addObserver(self, selector: "turnOnMemoryTimer", name: "turnOnMemoryArc", object: nil)
func drawMemoryArc() {
if checkDevice == false {
let device = CheckDevice().returnResult()
memoryArcRadius = device.radiusArc
lineWidht = device.lineWidth
path = UIBezierPath(arcCenter: CGPoint(x: frame.size.width/2, y: frame.size.height/2), radius: memoryArcRadius, startAngle: CGFloat(-M_PI_2), endAngle: CGFloat(M_PI*2 - M_PI_2), clockwise: true)
checkDevice = true
let memory = showMemory()
// active cyanColor
arc.addFigure(path.CGPath, fillColor: blackColor, strokeColor: cyanColor, strokeStart: 0.0, strokeEnd: CGFloat(percentageMemory(memory.active)), lineWidth: lineWidht, miterLimit: 0.0, lineDashPhase: 0.0, layer: self.layer)
// inactive blue
arc.addFigure(path.CGPath, fillColor: .clearColor(), strokeColor: blueColor, strokeStart: CGFloat(percentageMemory(memory.active)), strokeEnd: CGFloat(percentageMemory(memory.active + memory.inactive)), lineWidth: lineWidht, miterLimit: 0.0, lineDashPhase: 0.0, layer: self.layer)
// wired redColor
arc.addFigure(path.CGPath, fillColor: .clearColor(), strokeColor: redColor, strokeStart: CGFloat(percentageMemory(memory.active + memory.inactive)), strokeEnd: CGFloat(percentageMemory(memory.active + memory.inactive + memory.wired)), lineWidth: lineWidht, miterLimit: 0.0, lineDashPhase: 0.0, layer: self.layer)
// compressed yellow
arc.addFigure(path.CGPath, fillColor: .clearColor(), strokeColor: grapeColor, strokeStart: CGFloat(percentageMemory(memory.active + memory.inactive + memory.wired)), strokeEnd: CGFloat(percentageMemory(memory.active + memory.inactive + memory.wired + memory.compressed)), lineWidth: lineWidht, miterLimit: 0.0, lineDashPhase: 0.0, layer: self.layer)
// free green
arc.addFigure(path.CGPath, fillColor: .clearColor(), strokeColor: greenColor, strokeStart: CGFloat(percentageMemory(memory.active + memory.inactive + memory.wired + memory.compressed)), strokeEnd: 1.0, lineWidth: lineWidht, miterLimit: 0.0, lineDashPhase: 0.0, layer: self.layer)
print("memory layers \(self.layer.sublayers?.count)")
func turnOnMemoryTimer() {
GlobalTimer.sharedInstance.viewTimer = NSTimer.scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval(1.0, target: self, selector: "drawMemoryArc", userInfo: nil, repeats: true)
I changed code and it works for me.