I am working on MVC 4.0.
I need to access my dropdown box Text (not value) using Request.Form("ddlId") in my controller code.
and display the selected info on confirmation page of registration.
i.e. lets consider I am having Country dropbox as below.
<select data-val="true" data-val-required="Required" id="CountryId" name="CountryId" style="width:210px"><option value="">--Select--</option><option value="1">USA</option><option value="2">UK</option></select>
now, in controller when i use,
objWizard.CountryId = Request.Form["CountryId"];
I got the value of COuntry dropbox, not the text selected by user.
How can i select text of dropbox using Request.Form(...)????
Or any alternative........
My jquery code is as below.
$.post( '@Url.Action("ConfirmDetails", "Wizard")', $("form").serialize(), function (r)
// inject response in confirmation step
You can use, ddlHospitalName.Items.FindByValue(Convert.ToString(Request.Form["ctl00$contentPlaceHolder$ddlHospitalName"])).Text;
You can use JQuery post for this,
And in your action you can get those values like this,
You could emit the value tag as the country name on the server and prevent any need for javascript.
i'll assume that you are posting a form and that look likes
on form submit cancel the default behavior
in the controller