please I'm trying to flesh out a registration page for my ionic ongoing project Trying to bind my ([ngModel]) to an object property in my component.
Let me just show the code excerpt so you'll understand
**Registration.ts** // This is my registration component
import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { IonicPage, NavController, NavParams } from 'ionic-angular';
selector: 'page-registration',
templateUrl: 'registration.html',
export class RegistrationPage {
newStaffInfo = {
username: "",
password: "",
rePassword: "",
email: "",
sex: ""
newStaffTemplateObject: Object = [
label: "Username",
field: this.newStaffInfo.username,
label: "Password",
field: this.newStaffInfo.password
label: "Re-enter Your password",
field: this.newStaffInfo.rePassword
label: "Email",
label: "Sex",
constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams) {
ionViewDidLoad() {
console.log('ionViewDidLoad RegistrationPage');
console.log("Validate in this functin...");
This is my HTML Template
<ion-content padding>
<form (ngSubmit)="validateForm()" #form="ngForm">
<ion-item *ngFor="let item of newStaffTemplateObject">
<ion-label floating> {{item.label}} </ion-label>
<ion-input type="text" [(ngModel)]="item.field" name="item.label" #item.label="ngModel" required> </ion-input>
<button ion-button outline block full> Register </button>
<!-- For DEbugging puprpose only -->
{{newStaffInfo.username}} //This is suppose to reflect changes immediately
Even with the above setup, it's not working at all. What can i do here to make the two data binding work
In your code, you initialize the
items with the properties ofnewStaffInfo
:and then you bind the
items to the input elements in the template.The data binding works: it updates the values of the
items. However, it does not update the related properties innewStaffInfo
(which is what you expected, according to your debugging markup). The reason:newStaffTemplateObject[0].field
does not become a reference tonewStaffInfo.username
; it is a separate variable that does not maintain any link with it after having been initialized.One possible solution is to set each
value to the name of the property innewStaffInfo
:and to bind the properties of
to your input elements using the bracket notation:You can test the code in this stackblitz.
This is showing up as a separate answer since I'm not able to add a comment to Connorsfan's answer.
Connorsfan's answer was very helpful for my initial issue and pointed me in the direction of Stackblitz, Thank you!
I also ran into an interesting issue down the road, trying to navigate multi-level json and use a truly dynamic form.
Built on the stackblitz from ConnorsFan to add dynamic data binding with multi-level support as the banana-in-the-box [(ngModel)] doesn't work when using expressions to handle multi-level json. Can be found at this link:
Hopefully, this will help others facing the same problem but with multi-level json.