I'm having a problem with the windows service I work on currently. Basically I store some values in HKCU registry (from a GUI tool run as administrator) and from within that GUI I am starting a service. The service uses SYSTEM account to run and I believe that's my problem - I can't access registry keys stored with my GUI tool inside the service, as it points to a different HKCU!
How can I "redirect" the service to use the HKCU of the user it was stored with? (Actually I can pass a user name to the service or SID if someone will point me how to retrieve it in my GUI, but I don't know what should I use to "change" the user to point to the correct one)
I use a static class to access registry, it is used by both GUI and Service and the function to retrieve the base key is (rootKey is string variable holding the subkey name):
private static RegistryKey GetBaseKey(bool writable = false)
RegistryKey reg = RegistryKey.OpenBaseKey(RegistryHive.CurrentUser, RegistryView.Registry64);
RegistryKey rk = reg?.OpenSubKey("SOFTWARE", writable)?.OpenSubKey(rootKey, writable);
return rk;
catch (Exception ex)
// handle exceptions later
return null;
I have found WindowsIdentity class which can provide a handle (AccessToken) for current user, should I pass it as an argument to my service and use this handle to impersonate inside the service?
I have done some stuff but it doesn't work. What I tried:
CurrentUserToken = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent().Token; // to get current identity token
then with ServiceController.Start
I added CurrentUserToken.ToString()
as an argument. Within my service I initialized RegistryUserToken (IntPtr)
with the passed value and I'm stuck at:
WindowsIdentity RegUser = new WindowsIdentity(RegistryUserToken)
throwing exception
Invalid token for impersonation - it cannot be duplicated
I tried the same with AccessToken of current instance of WindowsIdentity - same exception thrown
Can I at all go that way? Or should I try something different??
I can give you two options: impersonate that user if you have their credentials or use idea that HKCU is a symbolic link for one of the keys under HKEY_USERS. For impersonating you can see this link. If you know the SID of that user, then you can find it in there. You can get the SID as so:
I prefer impersonate. The second option is for case if you don't know that user's credentials. I dislike second option because it requires administrative rights to write in someone else's account.
Alright, I've managed to solve it going a bit different way. I've added SID variable to my Registry class and if it's not null then I open Users Registry Hive instead of HKCU. First I retrieve current's user SID (within my GUI application) using:
which I pass as an argument to my service and set it for Registry class.
I needed to read registry of another user from a service. This is how I got it working, but in this case I know exact user name. Other answers here helped a lot. Username and path are whatever you need.