I am adding a custom message to the Cart page, but so that it only appears if an added product has a custom variation atribute selected.
After researching I came up to:
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_cart', 'wnd_after_cart' );
function wnd_after_cart() {
if($attribute_slug == 'no_review'){
echo '<div class="wnd_after_cart"><h4>There will be no item manual review</h4><br /> </div>';
But its not working. Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?
add_action( 'woocommerce_after_cart', 'wnd_after_cart' );
function wnd_after_cart() {
echo '<div class="wnd_after_cart"><h4>There will be no item manual review</h4><br /> </div>';
Works very well, but I can't get the code to display the message only IF my custom attribute is selected.
Any help is appreciated…
I set my product Atributes (example:Shirt size, Slug:'Shirt_Size') , and their variations within this atribute (Example: S (Slug:'Size_S'), M(Slug:'Size_M'), XL(Slug:'Size_XL') )
I'm trying to display the message when a specific Attribute Variation is selected (Example: The slug for S, 'Size_S')
I'm using clothes/shirt sizes since its a more common example to help illustrate.
In case I didn't explain very well, basically the code is searching for the attribute slug that you can see here in this video at 0:23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QyMuq-WkV0o
But I'm trying to make it search for the slugs of the attribute variations that can be seen at 0:35 (the attribute attributes, or attribute variations, or attribute childs, I'm not sure what to name them)
@LoicTheAztec code seems to be working very well, but it's searching for the slug of the attribute (Shirt_Size), and not for the attribute variations shown previosly. When I set the code to find 'Shirt_size', it will disply the message, but when I set it to find 'Size_S', it stops working.
Did this make sense? Thank you for the attention and advice once again.
There is some missing code like getting your
from variations in cart items:Update: Or if you are looking for a product attribute term slug instead, use it this way:
Code goes in function.php file of your active child theme (or active theme). Tested and work.