I am reading a simple text file. Everything works as it should, except when an open bracket ("[") character is encountered. Then I get a CONSTRAINT_ERROR.
My function is:
function Get_File_Contents (File_Name : in String)
return String_Array is
-- Loads the entire file into a dynamically sized
-- array of Unbounded_Wide_String.
-- The line count is used to dynamically size the array.
Line_Count : Natural
:= 0;
File : Ada.Wide_Text_IO.File_Type;
-- Get the line count before opening the file.
Line_Count := Get_File_Line_Count (File_Name);
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Open (File,
Lines : String_Array (1 .. Line_Count);
-- Step through the file and save each line.
for Current_Line in reverse 1 .. Line_Count loop
Lines(Current_Line) := To_Unbounded_Wide_String (Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Get_Line (File));
end loop;
-- Remember to close the file.
Ada.Wide_Text_IO.Close (File);
return Lines;
end Get_File_Contents;
The CONSTRAINT_ERROR is raised in "s-wchcnv.adb:207". The relevant part of the file is this
when WCEM_Brackets =>
if C /= '[' then
return Character'Pos (C);
end if;
if In_Char /= '"' then
raise Constraint_Error; <======= CONSTRAINT_ERROR
end if;
This is the info I found:
-- Note on the use of brackets encoding (WCEM_Brackets). The brackets
-- encoding method is ambiguous in the context of this function, since
-- there is no way to tell if ["1234"] is eight unencoded characters or
-- one encoded character. In the context of Ada sources, any sequence
-- starting [" must be the start of an encoding (since that sequence is
-- not valid in Ada source otherwise). The routines in this package use
-- the same approach. If the input string contains the sequence [" then
-- this is assumed to be the start of a brackets encoding sequence, and
-- if it does not match the syntax, an error is raised.
How do I turn this off, so that "[" aren't being interpreted as WCEM?
Compiler version is GNAT GPL 2014 (20140331) Operating system is Windows 7 x64
Small program that reproduces the CONSTRAINT_ERROR:
with Ada.Wide_Text_IO; use Ada.Wide_Text_IO;
procedure Main is
File : File_Type;
File_Name : String := "Data.txt";
Open (File,
while not End_Of_File (File) loop
Line : Wide_String := Get_Line (File);
Put_Line (Line);
end loop;
Close (File);
end Main;
A "Data.txt" file needs to be near the executable.
If "Data.txt" contains text as below, no problem.
Add "[" and a CONSTRAINT_ERROR is raised:
Use the "Form" parameter to the Open call to specify the character encoding as something other than "WCEM=b" for bracket.
For the relevant documentation, see here
Keith Thompson deserves the credit for finding the relevant documentation.