I have subclassed a view that I am using as header view it has some buttons delegate inside it and it works perfect .
However I am presenting a modalViewController above my viewController . (in my modalViewController I have implemented the same header , and it does get the delegates from the header) but this view it self has to delegate to the previous viewController if the back button of the header is pressed.
I have made the same functions but my viewController never gets it's delegate... :( I am quite new to Obj-C and I don't know maybe I am doing something illegal here.
here is the code of modalViewController trying to delegate to the previous viewController
#pragma mark - header delegate
- (void)header:(header *)header backbuttonPressed:(UIButton *)sender
if(header == logo)
//delete the items array
//_itemSourceArray = nil;
[delegate allEventsDrillPage:self backbuttonPressed:sender];
[self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
This delegate does triggers from the header view.
however in my previous viewController:
- (void)allEventsDrillPage:(allEventsDrillPage *)allEventsDrillPage backbuttonPressed:(UIButton *)sender //doesn't work :(
NSLog(@"got back delegate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!");
// [self dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:nil];
_drillPage = nil;
never get called
I calling the modalViewController like this:
- (void)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath
[_allEventsTableView deselectRowAtIndexPath:indexPath animated:YES];
[self->_allEventsTableView setNeedsDisplay];
[self->_allEventsTableView reloadData];
_drillPage = [[allEventsDrillPage alloc]initWithDictionary:((NSDictionary*) [_tableDataSource objectAtIndex:indexPath.row])];
_drillPage.delegate = self;
[self presentViewController:_drillPage animated:YES completion:nil];
in its .h file I did
@interface allEvents : UIViewController <headerDelegate , UITableViewDataSource , UITableViewDelegate ,allEventsDrillPageDelegate>
I don't get what am I missing here :-/ can some1 take a look please ? if needed more info I will added just ask for it.
protocol of delegate inside the modalViewController
@class allEventsDrillPage;
@protocol allEventsDrillPageDelegate //define delegate protocol
- (void)allEventsDrillPage:(allEventsDrillPage*)allEventsDrillPage backbuttonPressed:(UIButton*)sender;
@interface allEventsDrillPage : UIViewController
id<allEventsDrillPageDelegate> __weak delegate;
@property (weak, nonatomic) id <allEventsDrillPageDelegate> delegate; //define
nmh's answer is correct. I wrote up an answer earlier but his came in faster, so I thought I would take out the other parts and just add the explanations here.
You have this:
With this
id<allEventsDrillPageDelegate> __weak delegate;
you declare an ivar.With this
@property (weak, nonatomic) id <allEventsDrillPageDelegate> delegate;
you are declaring a property.Since Xcode 4.4 you get auto-synthesization. And so this line:
You are setting the one via the property.
And not this:
So what you have here:
You are using the ivar above, not the one via the property. And
is thusnil.
And so, if you try to send a message to the delegate using nmh's solution or:
It should work as expected.
Addendum to dismissing modal view controller:
Instead of dismissing it from the current view controller, dismiss it from the one who presented it, so:
And in:
Or even better:
Hope this helps.
Let's try: