I'm building a globe(sphere geometry) with set of predefined locations on geo-mapped and drawn as point(sphere geometry). I would like to focus(moving one location to another) those locations by rotating globe along y-axis. I tried the following code, seems not working for all locations.
var position = new THREE.Vector3();
position.subVectors( location.geometry.boundingBox.max, location.geometry.boundingBox.min );
position.multiplyScalar( 0.20 );
position.sub( location.geometry.boundingBox.min );
location.matrixWorld.multiplyVector3( position );
var point1 = scene.clone().position;
var point2 = position;
var distance = point1.distanceTo( point2 );
locationCollection.rotation.y = distance;
I think, I don't understand the concept enough. Hopefully, I will get some idea from the community.
where a= latitude, b= longitude,group=Object3D(or sphere)