I've read Angular UI Bootstrap adding a close button and show hidden div on ng-click within ng-repeat. I'd like to use the solution from the latter article and apply it to the problem stated in the first article. In essence, I want to be able to close an Angular UI Bootstrap popover with ng-show
or ng-click
I have an example piece of code to illustrate this. This code just applies a CSS class to a particular element whenever it is clicked, and removes it when it is clicked again:
<div ng-class="{'gray-inset-border': style}">
<div ng-click="style=!style"></div>
Whenever an element containing a popover is clicked, a popover template is created. In the Chrome DOM inspector, the opening tag looks like this:
<div class="popover ng-isolate-scope right fade in"
tooltip-animation-class="fade" tooltip-classes=""
ng-class="{ in: isOpen() }" popover-template-popup="" title=""
content-exp="contentExp()" placement="right" popup-class="" animation="animation"
is-open="isOpen" origin-scope="origScope"
style="top: 317.5px; left: 541.8125px; display: block;">
Notice the ng-class="{in: isOpen()}"
. I am assuming that this controls whether the popover is open or not, and want to use the same ng-click
method as in the example above, and apply it to a button within the popover. However, when I tried that, it didn't work. I also can't find the popover template anywhere in the ui-bootstrap-tpls.js
code. As far as I know, popover creation is voodoo magic.
It's also frustrating that Angular UI Bootstrap doesn't have this functionality already. I've been trying to solve this problem off and on for over a week now, and every "solution" I have seen doesn't seem to work for me.
Am I understanding the ng-class="{in: isOpen()}"
correctly? Where do I edit the popover template to add a close button?
This was solved by @ognus on a GitHub thread.
He stated:
There is a plnkr that I adapted to test my own issue. The solution involved creating a directive (of course).
popoverToggle directive
Popover template
Link to the working example
This is solution using another controller for the popover. this controller opens and closes the popover. you can also write the directive instead of controller. Its works fine if data is in repeat.