I have written a code to get an image from an uploaded mp4 video using ffmpeg in YII.
In localhost, when i have written absolute path like d:/wamp/www/projectname/ffmpeg
like this, it is working perfectly and i am getting image but when I tried like below using baseurl
$ffmpeg = $var."/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe";
I am unable to get the image from video.
Here is my code
$ffmpeg = $var."/ffmpeg/bin/ffmpeg.exe";
// $uploaddir is my file upload path
$video = $uploaddir.$image_name;
//where to save the image
$iname = basename($image_name, ".mp4");
$image = $uploaddir.'/'.$iname.'_img.jpg';
//time to take screenshot at
$interval = 5;
//screenshot size pn
$size = '640x480';
//ffmpeg command
$cmd="$ffmpeg -i ".$video." -ss 00:00:01.100 -f image2 -vframes 1 ".$image;
it is not possible to execute "http://foo.bar/ffmpeg/ffmpeg.exe", exec requires a absolute path to the binary: