I'm using the library tmhOAuth to post to Twitter in an app and I've already implemented uploading pictures but am having trouble implementing video upload.
This is the call I use to upload pictures and works perfectly with images.
$temp = '@upload/'.$name.';type='.$_FILES['img']['type'].';filename='.$name;
$media = $tmhOAuth->request('POST', 'https://upload.twitter.com/1.1/media/upload.json', array('media' => $temp), true, true);
So I thought it might be the same for videos but I got the error
stdClass Object ( [request] => /1.1/media/upload.json [error] => media type unrecognized. )
I believe I have to make 3 separate calls, as per the Twitter API, so I tried this
$media = $tmhOAuth->request('POST', 'https://upload.twitter.com/1.1/media/upload.json?command=INIT&media_type=video/mp4&total_bytes='.$_FILES['img']['size'], array('media' => $temp), true, true);
$media_id = json_decode($tmhOAuth->response['response'])->media_id_string;
$media = $tmhOAuth->request('POST', 'https://upload.twitter.com/1.1/media/upload.json?command=APPEND&media_id='.$media_id.'&segment_index=0', array('media' => $temp), true, true);
$media = $tmhOAuth->request('POST', 'https://upload.twitter.com/1.1/media/upload.json?command=FINALIZE&media_id='.$media_id, array('media' => $temp), true, true);
but I kept getting the same error for all 3 calls
stdClass Object ( [request] => /1.1/media/upload.json [error] => media type unrecognized. )
Can anyone provide an example as to how to upload videos to twitter? I could find no examples online and it might just not be possible.
I've only been able to get video uploading working with CodeBird - a different PHP library.
The Twitter API calls for video are quite different from uploading images, as you've discovered.
Remember, each APPEND must be 5MB or under.
If you are consistently getting "Media Type Unrecognised" errors, it might be that the video you are using is incompatible with Twitter. Can you test uploading the video via another service?
I had the same problem. Here's how I managed to solve it. First you set up a var containing the filesystem full path to the media you want to upload.
Then instantiate $tmhOAuth and do the 3 steps :
Retrieve media id returned by Twitter
APPEND: Handle video/media upload with the Append loop
By then I was able to to send my tweet:
Hope that helps
Thank you very much for that answer Pierre! I was however getting a “Not valid video” error if I tried to create the tweet too soon. The video wasn't done being processed by Twitter. In addition to Pierre's code, I needed something like this to check STATUS, after FINALIZE:
Note: my variable names are different