I am having a hard time figuring this out. I want to extract data from one worksheet and copy it into another Google Sheet. First, I am getting an error when I try to use getvalues, which has not happened before. Also, I am getting an error when I try to use setValue for my "type" variable. I am trying to take data from "sourceCC" and put it in various cells in "destSS". Any help would be greatly appreciated.
function sendData() {
var sourceSS = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var dataSheet = sourceSS.getSheetByName("Data");
var dataLastRow = dataSheet.getLastRow();
var dataValues = dataLastRow.getRange("A"+(dataLastRow)+":G"+(dataLastRow)).getValues();
var emailSheet = sourceSS.getSheetByName('Emails');
var recipient = emailSheet.getRange('B2:B22').getValues();
var orgUnit = emailSheet.getRange('A2:A22').getValues();
var destSS = SpreadsheetApp.openById('SHEETID');
var destSheet = destSS.getSheetByName('Sheet1');
var destLastRow = destSheet.getLastRow();
var type = destLastRow[0].setValue('NEW');
var ID = destLastRow[1];
In Javascript (and therefore in Google Apps Script), a method can only be invoked if the target object "has" that method. You're getting errors because you've mixed up some of your objects - the object types don't support the methods that you're using. (Agreeing with Serge's comment!)
The errors you have are:
In the third line of code,
dataLastRow = dataSheet.getLastRow()
yields a Number, then you trydataLastRow.getRange()
. However,.getRange()
is aSheet
destLastRow = destSheet.getLastRow()
yields another Number. The next line has two errors. The first is that this Number is treated as an Array,destLastRow[0]
.The second error in that line is invoking
on an undefined value. (It's undefined because the Array indexing is incorrect.)Just below that,
var ID = destLastRow[1]
repeats error #2.This edited version removes those errors. It may have other errors in logic, and it's certainly not complete, but it runs. Comments have been added to show what object types are returned with each statement.
Autocomplete as a defect removal tool
In this situation, the Autocomplete feature of the Apps Script Editor is your friend. When the editor is able to determine what object type you're dealing with, it will offer a list of supported methods. Here's what you see if you start typing
var dataValues = dataSheet.getR...
:As soon as you typed
, the editor offered up a long list of methods. As more characters were typed, the list got shorter - and at this point you see a variety ofSheet.getRange()
methods.On the other hand, here's what happens when we type
var dataValues = dataLastRow.
:Not much. The editor has no autocomplete methods to offer for this type,
. If you're tuned in to this behavior as you edit, you can avoid many simple mistakes that can have a high PITA factor later.