Using symfony2 I am following this documentation to create and use a service for performing a general task.
I have it almost done, but I have one problem yet (surely due to some misunderstanding on service containers in Symfony2.
The class is something like this:
class MyClass{
private $myProperty;
public funciton performSomethingGeneral{
return $theResult;
Now, in my config.yml:
class: Acme\MyBundle\Service\MyClass
arguments: [valueForMyProperty]
Finally, in my controller:
$myService = $this -> container -> get('myService');
After that line, When I inspect $myService
, I still see $myService -> $myProperty as uninitialized.
There is something I am not getting properly. What else do I have to do to get the property initialized and ready to use with a previously configured value in config.yml
? And how would I set more than one property?
from your yml file are passed to the constructor of your service, so you should handle it there.and php: