In order to build on this question here, we encountered another problem regarding aggregate annotations in the Django ORM.
Because we need a join within our query it leads to this clumsy "extra" statement:
.extra(select={'week_year': "TO_CHAR(, 'IW/YYYY')"}, where=[""], tables=['entry_addition'])
We created those the following two classes to get rid of the "extra" statement.
class ToChar(Aggregate):
name = 'ToChar_pg'
def __init__(self, lookup, format_, **extra):
extra['format_'] = format_
super(ToChar, self).__init__(lookup, **extra)
django.db.models.ToChar = ToChar
class ToChar_pg(django.db.models.sql.aggregates.Aggregate):
sql_function = 'TO_CHAR'
sql_template = """%(function)s(%(field)s, '%(format)s')"""
def __init__(self, col, format_=None, source=None, distinct=False, **extra):
extra['format'] = format_
super(ToChar_pg, self).__init__(col, source=source, distinct=distinct, **extra)
django.db.models.ToChar_pg = ToChar_pg
So now, we got this ORM expression:
.annotate(week_year=ToChar('addition__date', ToChar.WEEK_YEAR))
That is the desired SQL statement:
SELECT TO_CHAR("entry_addition"."date", 'IW/YYYY') AS "week_year", COUNT("entry"."addition_id") AS "count"
FROM "entry" LEFT OUTER JOIN "entry_addition" ON ("entry"."addition_id" = "entry_addition"."id")
GROUP BY week_year
That is the actual output:
SELECT TO_CHAR("entry_addition"."date", 'IW/YYYY') AS "week_year", COUNT("entry"."addition_id") AS "count"
FROM "entry" LEFT OUTER JOIN "entry_addition" ON ("entry"."addition_id" = "entry_addition"."id")
Now, the following question arises: where is the "GROUP BY" clause?