SOLVED: I had a property defined incorrectly!
I'm getting this error... Missing type map configuration or unsupported mapping. Mapping types: HouseDomain -> RoomDomain {namespace}.HouseDomain -> {namespace}.RoomDomain
Destination path: City.Houses.Houses.Houses0[0]
So for example, I have
public class CityDomain
public IEnumerable<HouseDomain> DomainHouses {get;set;}
public class HouseDomain
public IEnumerable<RoomDomain> DomainRooms {get;set;}
public class RoomDomain
public class CityDto
public IEnumerable<HouseDto> DtoHouses {get;set;}
public class HouseDto
public IEnumerable<RoomDto> DtoRooms {get;set;}
public class RoomDto
So I want to map CityDomain to CityDto. I have...
Mapper.CreateMap<CityDomain , CityDto>();
Is there an issue going 2 levels deep like this? Any help? Thanks!
You can keep your mappings simplier if you make names of collections the same (e.g.
) for bothHouseDomain
I answered the similar question AutoMapping nested models a while ago.
This is all mappings you need (Automapper is smart enough to map lists of objects if mapping for appropriate object types was created):
Just remove your second mapping for member DtoRooms. E.g. if house has id and room has name, then for sample domain house mapping works just fine:
Last note - make sure you create maps before you are doing mapping. Usually all maps are created on application startup.