Possible Duplicate:
jni converting jstring to char *
There is a function on С (traverser.c module)
long int
Traverser(const char * sTraversingRoot)
long int nCount;
struct stat rStatBuf;
time_t nTime;
char sActualPath[512];
PGconn *pConn;
// Open DB connection
"hostaddr=%s port=%s connect_timeout=50 dbname=%s user=%s password=%s",
sIP, sPort, sDBName, sLogin, sPassword);
pConn = PQconnectdb(sConnInfo);
if (PQstatus(pConn) == CONNECTION_BAD) {
AddErrorToLog("No connect\n");
return 0;
GetActualPath(sActualPath, sTraversingRoot);
if (*sActualPath) {
stat(sActualPath, &rStatBuf);
} else {
stat("/", &rStatBuf);
if (nClock)
nTime = time(NULL);
if(S_ISREG(rStatBuf.st_mode)) {
nCount = 1;
ProcessFile(pConn, sActualPath);
if(S_ISDIR(rStatBuf.st_mode)) {
nCount = _Traverser(pConn, sActualPath);
if (nClock)
fprintf(stdout, "Total time : %u second(s)\n", time(NULL) - nTime);
// Close DB connection
return nCount;
I want to create native with the same name a method on Java
public native void Traverser(String path)
Respectively in the traverser.c module there will be a function
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_ParallelIndexation_Traverser(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jstring path)
The Java_ParallelIndexation_Traverser function is a Traverser function wrapper from the traverser.c module.The question is: How to call a module from Traverser traverser.c in Java_ParallelIndexation_Traverser, passing it the parameter jstring path, thus converting it to a const char * (signature Traverser see above)?
Did I understand your question correctly: how to implement Java_ParallelIndexation_Traverser so that it calls the unmanaged Traveser function?
If so, here's how:
Explanation: JNIEnv::GetStringUTFChars converts a jstring to a byte array. You then need to call JNIEnv::ReleaseStringUTFChars to deallocate that byte array.