Which parsers are available for parsing C# code?
I'm looking for a C# parser that can be used in C# and give me access to line and file informations about each artefact of the analysed code.
Which parsers are available for parsing C# code?
I'm looking for a C# parser that can be used in C# and give me access to line and file informations about each artefact of the analysed code.
Works on source code:
Works on assembly:
The problem with assembly "parsing" is that we have less informations about line and file (the informations is based on .pdb file, and Pdb contains lines informations only for methods)
I personnaly recommend Mono.Cecil and NRefactory.
If you're familiar with ANTLR, you can use Antlr C# grammar.
Consider to use reflection on a built binary instead of parsing the C# code directly. The reflection API is really easy to use and perhaps you can get all the information you need?
GPPG might be of use, if you are willing to write your own parser (which is fun).
Maybe you could try with Irony on irony.codeplex.com.
It's very fast and a c# grammar already exists.
The grammar itself is written directly in c# in a BNF like way (acheived with some operators overloads)
The best thing with it is that the "grammar" produces the AST directly.