I've created an XSLT using an identity template and several templates that match to a potential XPath in the source. However, the matching paths do not always exist. Is there a way to "insert" the path before the matching template applies? Since I know XSLT does not execute procedurally, I wasn't sure how to do this. Examples below.
Let's say this is the XSLT:
<xsl:template match="@* | node()">
<xsl:apply-templates select="@* | node()"/>
<xsl:template match='pathA'>
do stuff
<xsl:template match='pathB'>
do something
<xsl:template match='pathC'>
do other stuff
And let's say this in the input:
<pathA>I have Data!</pathA>
<pathC>We skipped B!</pathC>
Is there a way to "create" pathB
so that the template that matches the XPath can execute?
Thanks again for any assistance!
Good one. How about...