I've defined a Mongoid model with an Integer field for which i validate numericality like this
# source.rb
class Source
field :code, type: Integer
validates_numericality_of :code, allow_nil: true
The purpose of allow_nil is to validate fields which are present & ignore nil values.
But here, allow_nil completely bypasses the numericality check
object = Source.new
object.code = "ABC"
=> true
=> #<Source _id: 50d00b2d81ee9eae46000001, _type: nil, code: 0>
In activerecord, this works correctly
object = Source.new
object.code = "ABC"
=> false
=> #<Source id: nil, code: 0, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil>
(0.1ms) begin transaction
(0.1ms) rollback transaction
=> false
Mongoid behaves slightly different to Active Record when using #valid? on already persisted data. Active Record's #valid? will run all validations whereas Mongoid's #valid? will only run validations on fields where data has changed as an optimization. - see mongoid validation
so this could be your problem.
you could try
validates_numericality_of :code, :allow_nil => true
validates :code, :numericality => true ,:allow_nil => true