How could one make a wildcard dependency like boot/*.inc
work in NMAKE?
- CMakeList file to generate LLVM bitcode file from
- Makefile to compile lists of source files
- Have make fail if unit tests fail
- C++ - Compiling multiple files
- Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64: (Mac OS
- How to arrange a Makefile to compile a kernel modu
- Makefile and use of $$
- Makefile: all vs default targets
- Automake Variables to tidy up
- How do I check the exit status of a Makefile shell
- Marking a makefile dependency as optional or other
- How to instruct Makefile to use different compiler
- Why does this makefile execute a target on 'ma
This works for me, with VS 2017:
The on-line documentation for NMAKE provided by Microsoft is simply awful.
In contrast, the older 59-page PDF document entitled Chapter 16: Managing Projects with NMAKE is vastly superior. It appears to agree with the current online version (an errata would be nice!). But it is surprisingly hard to find via Google; two links are and