I am sorry if the title is confusing here is the explanation:
say we have remote page like remotesite.com/page1.html
and we use the function file_get_contents
to get its source, then we use DOMDocument
to edit this source before printing it to our page
$url = "remotesite.com/page1.html";
$html = file_get_contents($url);
$doc = new DOMDocument(); // create DOMDocument
$doc->loadHTML($html); // load HTML you can add $html
//here we do some edits to remove or add contents
I want to add the Div below to the content before printing it:
<div style="float: right; padding-right: 2px;"><a class="open_event_tab" target="_blank" href="some-hard-coded-text-here_'+content+'_title_'+lshtitle+'_event_'+id+'.html" >open event</a></div>
Here is what i have tried but the soft coded part ( '+content+'_title_'+lshtitle+'_event_'+id+'
) of the href
is not working
i know that the my code below may look stupid but sorry i dont have enough knowledge in php
function createDivNode($doc) {
$divNode = $doc->createElement('div');
$divNode->setAttribute('style', 'float: right; padding-right: 2px;');
$aNode = $doc->createElement('a', 'openEvent');
$aNode->setAttribute('class', 'open_event_tab');
$aNode->setAttribute('target', '_blank');
$aNode->setAttribute('href', 'some-hard-coded-text-here_'+content+'_title_'+lshtitle+'_event_'+id+'.html');
return $divNode;
and i want to loop through the source got from remote site to get every td
that look like the one below and add the div just before closing it
<td colspan="2">
<b>Video </b>
<span class="section">Sports</span><b>: </b>
<span id="category466" class="category">Motor Sports</span>
//here i want to add my div
6 hours of research and i can't figure this out as i am in learning phase, so i decided to ask someone here at this helpful community
if you want to insert the div at the end of each td use append()
At the beginning of each td use prepend
For more information jquery website
Still now confused about your question but I think that, you want to add/append a dynamic
inside everytd
and if this is the case then you may try this (at least, you'll get an idea and it's very clean)DEMO.
Update : (Question was confusing, so updated answer given below)
Just download Simple HTML DOM Perser and (documentation here)
Also, modify only
s those haveclass=category
And you are done. Notice
<div>New Div</div>
, it's just an example, hope, you can make it according to your need.Possible result of the example :