I have an array that looks like the following:
array = [[1, 5], [4, 7], [3, 8], [2, 3],
[12, 4], [6, 6], [4, 1], [3, 2],
[8, 14]]
What I need is the largest number from the first value of the sets, so in this case 12
Looking at some examples online, the best way I saw to accomplish this is :
Math.max.apply Math, array
Problem is, this only works with single dimensional arrays. How would I impliment this for my senario? (jquery allowed)
The end solution:
It wasn't part of the question, but I needed both the min and max from the array, and that changes things a little.
unless device.IE
justTheDates = magnitudeArray.map (i) -> i[0]
@earliest = Math.min.apply Math, justTheDates
@latest = Math.max.apply Math, justTheDates
@earliest = magnitudeArray[0][0]
@latest = magnitudeArray[0][0]
for magnitudeItem in magnitudeArray
@earliest = magnitudeItem[0] if magnitudeItem[0] < @earliest
@latest = magnitudeItem[0] if magnitudeItem[0] > @latest
Using a comprehension in CoffeeScript:
Running example
I know this is an old post, but if you (or someone else) want the largest number in the whole array, try with:
In this examlpe, it will return the value 14.