I have the following string returned from an API and I want to convert it to an object hierarchy using javascript.
The string received is:
I want to convert it to a javascript object like:
paymentInfoList: {
PaymentInfo: [{
receiver: {
amount: 12.0
I could write my own parser but wonder if there is some code already out there.
Based on the answer from @JasonCust here is a parser to parse a full response from the PayPal Adaptive Payments Pay method: https://github.com/danielflippance/paypal-ap-parser
I don't know of an existing parser that handles that format. Maybe something on Paypal's developer site? If you roll your own you could do so using a recursive function like the example below. I haven't tested it thoroughly but it's a POC that it's easy enough to do.
Alternatively if you want to use lodash you could use
:Since I can't resist a little puzzle, here's a clean recursive solution that works for the input you've given (scroll down and view the snippet for a little playground):