I am trying to have a custom ListView
made of custom Cell
based on a list of custom objects
The custom object is class name called Message
which contains a few fields for the message content, recipient, timestamp and status (read, sent etc.).
After looking at this question : Customize ListView in JavaFX with FXML I have successfully :
- created a ListView with custom cells where the cell design is defined in a FXML file ;
- associated a controller so that each cell data can be filled with the current item of the collection ;
However, I failed to link both : I cannot seem to find a way so that the current item of the ListView is sent the Cell Controller.
Here is my code for the cell factory and the ListView filling of items:
final ObservableList observableList = FXCollections.observableArrayList();
observableList.setAll(myMessages); //assume myMessage is a ArrayList<Message>
conversation.setItems(observableList); //the listview
conversation.setCellFactory(new Callback<ListView<Message>, ListCell<Message>>() {
public ConversationCell<Message> call(ListView<Message> listView) {
return new ConversationCell();
And now, the ConversationCell class :
public final class ConversationCell<Message> extends ListCell<Message> {
protected void updateItem(Message item, boolean empty) {
super.updateItem(item, empty);
ConversationCellController ccc = new ConversationCellController(null);
I cannot show the ConversationCellController but all I can say, this is where (in its constructor) I load the FXML file that designs the cell and then I can fill the values with the given Message item.
The getView()
method returns the root pane that contains the now-filled-and-designed cell.
As I previously say, the designing work, but I cannot seem to link the ListView items with the CellFactory because in method
protected void updateItem(Message item, boolean empty)
empty is set to true and item is indeed null.
What can I do to make this work ?
All custom cell implementations that override
need to deal with the case where the cell is empty in that method. So you could do a naïve fix of this withHowever, this is not a good solution from the point of view of performance. You are loading the FXML every time
is called with a non-empty cell, and that's a pretty expensive operation (potentially involving file i/o, unzipping the FXML file from a jar file, parsing the file, lots of reflection, creating new UI elements, etc). You don't want to be asking the FX Application Thread to be doing all that work every time the user scrolls the list view by a few pixels. Instead, your cell should cache the node and should update it in theupdateItem
method:You should define a
method in theConversationCellController
that updates the view (sets text on labels, etc etc) accordingly.