I am developing my first Play 2.1 application in Scala. The task I am trying to accomplish is to parse json into 3 different case classes. The problem is - I do not know where to declare all case classes. Each class in it's own file or all in one file. Here is what I've done (it doesn't work, case values are not visible in controller object):
File LoginBase.scala
package models abstract class LoginBase case class Login(email: String, password: String) extends LoginBase case class RestoreLogin(email: String, captchaID: String, captchaAnswer: String) extends LoginBase case class RegisterLogin(email: String, password: String, captchaID: String, captchaAnswer: String) extends LoginBase
package controllers import play.api._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.data._ import play.api.data.Forms._ import play.api.Play.current import play.api.cache.Cache import play.api.libs.json._ import play.api.mvc._ import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import nl.captcha.Captcha import nl.captcha.Captcha._ import nl.captcha.gimpy.FishEyeGimpyRenderer import nl.captcha.text.renderer.ColoredEdgesWordRenderer import nl.captcha.text.renderer.DefaultWordRenderer import nl.captcha.gimpy.DropShadowGimpyRenderer import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream import javax.imageio.ImageIO import java.util.UUID import play.api.libs.functional.syntax._ import models.LoginBase object LoginActions extends Controller { implicit val loginReads = ( (__ \ "email").read[String] and (__ \ "password").read[String] )(Login.apply _) implicit val restoreLoginReads = ( (__ \ "email").read[String] and (__ \ "captchaID").read[String] and (__ \ "captchaAnswer").read[String] )(RestoreLogin) implicit val registerLoginReads = ( (__ \ "email").read[String] and (__ \ "password").read[String] and (__ \ "captchaID").read[String] and (__ \ "captchaAnswer").read[String] )(RegisterLogin) def registerLogin = Action(parse.json){ /* To be implementd */ } }
If someone can help me with this, I'll appreciate. All I can find is REPL examples, but I am missing some fundamental stuff - where to put all the pieces of code? what is the file structure?
Thanks, Andrei.
One of the things that is different between Java and Scala is that Scala requires no specific file/folder structure. The packages don't even have to correspond to folders. Also, you can have multiple classes per file.
Basically, what you have is fine.
The thing that must remain the same is the imports. So, if you're asking why your stuff won't compile, try importing everything in the models package.
Having multiple classes and objects inside a single file is considered good form in Scala, as long as the classes are tightly related.
please refer Elements of Scala Style? for more detail answer.
Here is example of converting json to scala case class in restful ws.
enter code here