I'm trying to create a GUI in Python using Tkinter that plots the orbital path of a mass using the Runge-Kutta method. My GUI works fine but my issue is that it only plots a straight line no matter what values I input to the GUI. I was hoping someone could show me what is wrong with my function within the GUI so that it will actually plot the orbit properly.
def calcPath(self):
M = float(self.entM.get())
m = float(self.entm.get())
G = 6.67e-11
c = 3e8
velocity = np.array([float(self.entvx.get()),float(self.entvy.get()),float(self.entvz.get())])
pos = np.array([float(self.entx.get()), float(self.enty.get()), float(self.entz.get())])
Force = lambda pos: (G*m*M/(pos**2))
#assigning variables empty lists to append x, y and z values to
a = []
b = []
c = []
t = 0.0
tf = float(self.enttf.get())
dt = float(self.entdt.get())
while t < tf: # creating a while loop to trace the path for a set period of time
#using the Runge-kutta formula from the problem sheet to assign variables at different steps and half steps
velocity=velocity+(k1v/6.0)+(k2v/3.0)+(k3v/3.0)+(k4v/6.0) #calaculating the weighted average of the k values
pos=pos+velocity*dt #velocity is not a function of space or time so it will be identical at all 4 k values
a.append(pos[0]) # appending the lists for each vaiable to produce a plot
t = t+dt # setting the time steps
#generating the path plot figure and formatting it
ax = Axes3D(self.fig) #creating a 3D figure
ax.set_title("Path of planetary mass") #produces title on the figure
ax.plot3D(a,b,c, color='darkviolet', label='Runge-kutta path method')
ax.legend(loc='lower left') #selecting the location of legend
Your physics is wrong. And your treatment of the motion equation is wrong.
The force computes as
and the motion equation is
which you have to transform into a first order system
To this first order system you can now apply the RK4 method.
Note how the
vectors interleave between position and velocity.Or you can make the correct RK4 implementation automatic using
and then inside the time loop
And if you just want the numerical solutions, i.e., do not have to prove that you can implement RK4, then use